The DataModes QUALIFIED VENDOR module is a database of cross-references between purchased parts and vendors. It can list all qualified vendors for any given part. Information such as manufacturer, quality levels, codes, pricing, last quote, and delivery performance is kept on each item in the Inventory file for a multiple number of vendors. Once the vendor has a record established for an item, multiple reports can then be run to report the vendor/item records. The module facilitates keeping track of which vendors have given the best service for items purchased.
- Includes a "view only" screen so that only authorized operators have access to the entry screen, while all other operators can view information.
- Reports by item number all the vendors listed as supplying the item, providing Quality Status and Rating.
- Reports by vendors all the items the vendor is listed as supplying.
- Reports by item description all the vendors listed as supplying the item.
- Reports by product line all the vendors listed as supplying the items within the product line.
- Reports by vendor’s part number all the vendors listed as supplying the item.
- Includes special order recommendations report that compares on hand items with the reorder points, to recommend the items that need to be ordered. The report also includes all vendors listed as supplying the item and the Quality Status and Rating.
- Shows standard delivery time along with last quote and last price paid to that vendor.
- Qualified Vendor Entry
- Qualified Vendor Inquiry
- Vendor Qualification by Part Number
- Vendor Qualification by Vendor
- Vendor Qualification by Description
- Vendor Qualification by Line
- Vendor Part Number Listing
- Purchase Order Recommendations