Q: Setting up Payroll Deductions. Payroll Number vs. Payroll Run Number. |
A: Payroll Number: The payroll number is a counter that is stored in the system indicator PAYROLL_NO. This counter is updated when the Set Payroll Dates option is selected at Payroll Processing. The Payroll Number is used to determine the number of payrolls that were run during a calendar year. Before the first payroll of a new calendar year, this counter will need to be reset to "0" so the first time Set Payroll Dates is selected the current value will be Payroll Number "1".
Payroll Run Number: The Payroll Run Number is also a counter stored in the system indicator PAYROLL_RUN_NO. This counter is updated as well when the Set Payroll Dates option is selected. Unlike the Payroll Number, this number continues to increment year to year and is not changed throughout the life of the DataModes software package. It does not get zeroed out and does not start over with "1" when the end-of-year procedures are completed. The payroll run number will increment to the value 99,999,999.
The Payroll Run Number is used to determine when an employee deduction should be taken. The print screen below (Maintain Employee Deductions), contains a field for "Starting Payroll Run Number". In this field you will indicate the Run Number that the deduction being defined should start. Based on the deduction type and the payroll number, the DataModes Payroll program will know when to take a deduction by comparing the system parameter PAYROLL_RUN_NO and the fields Starting Payroll Run Number and Deduction Type.
For example: 1. If we begin with payroll run number "1" and set the deduction type to "A" (Always), the deduction will begin with payroll run number 1 and be deducted with each subsequent payroll run.
If we enter a "2" at starting payroll run number (the system parameter is still set to "1") the deduction will be taken out first in payroll run number 2 and with all payroll runs following run number 2. It will not be deducted for payroll run number "1".
2. If we begin with payroll run number "1" and set the deduction type to "O" (Once), the deduction will only be taken from payroll run number 1.
3. If we begin with payroll run number "1" and set the deduction type to "R" (Recurring) with a frequency of 2, the deduction will be taken out for payroll run numbers equal to "1", "3", "5", etc. If you have payrolls every other week, there is not a deduction type that will take deductions "once a month". If you have deductions that should be taken only once a month and your pay periods are every other week the Starting Payroll Run Number will need to be modified for the months of the year where there will be three checks in one month.
4. The deduction type for "G" (Garnishment) will require that you enter information according to the terms of the garnishment and will be deducted with each check based again on the Starting Payroll Run Number.
5. The deduction type "W" (percentage of hours worked) allows for calculation based in the number of hours worked.
Remember, both parameters for payroll number and payroll run number are automatically incremented each time a new payroll is set up with "Set Payroll Dates". And, only the Payroll Number will be zeroed and started over at "1" when payroll end-of-year procedures are completed.
Information on the web at: http://www.datamodes.com |
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