Q: How do I Void Payroll Checks?
A: Payroll Checks may be voided at any time after a Payroll Run has been Posted. If you start a new payroll run without posting the prior run, you will not be able to void any checks from that run. Great care should be taken that all payroll runs are completed through the posting to the G/L. Should you find that a payroll had not been posted and a check needs to be voided, please contact DataModes Technical Support (800 547-3887) for assistance.

To void a payroll check from the most recent posted run, select Payroll Utilities, Void Payroll Checks.

The Void Payroll Checks screen will appear with the last run number and Payroll Cash Account as defaults. The Expand key may be used to select the correct cash account for the payroll run number indicated. Checks may be voided individually, based on a range of check numbers and/or all checks in the run number listed.

You will decide if Employee Statistics should be updated (reduced for the check(s) being voided) and whether you wish to print the employee detail for the voided check(s).

When the check(s) has been voided, a new payroll run may be opened to create a new check for the employee if necessary.

To void a payroll check from a PAST run that has been posted, use the Shift Tab keys to backfield to the Run Number field and enter the run number that included the check you wish to void. All other information will be answered as described above.

Information on the web at: http://www.datamodes.com
For more information, contact: tech@datamodes.com

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